
Laravel custom ID generator

The unique ID is an important part of our application. Someone like to generate application ID as auto incremental and someone like to generate their unique ID in a custom format. This post will show you how to generate a custom primary key or any field of your table with a custom ID via the Laravel ID generator package.



composer require haruncpi/laravel-id-generator


How to use it?

You can use it in your controller code like as a helper or inside your model by defining a boot method.

Example with controller

Import ID generator

use Haruncpi\LaravelIdGenerator\IdGenerator;
public function store(Request $request){

	$id = IdGenerator::generate(['table' => 'todos', 'length' => 6, 'prefix' => date('y')]);

	$todo = new Todo();
	$todo->id = $id;
	$todo->title = $request->get('title');


N.B: If you generate ID to the table id field then you must have to set the id field as fillable and public $incrementing = false; inside your model.


Example with the model

In your model add a boot method. The ID will automatically generate when a new record will be added.

public static function boot()
    self::creating(function ($model) {
        $model->uuid = IdGenerator::generate(['table' => $this->table, 'length' => 6, 'prefix' =>date('y')]);



You must pass an associative array into generate function with table, length and prefix key.

table = Your table name.

field = Optional. By default, it works on the id field. You can set other field names also.

length = Your ID length

prefix = Define your prefix. It can be a year prefix, month or any custom letter.

reset_on_prefix_change = Optional, default false. If you want to reset id from 1 on prefix change then set it true.


Example: 01

$config = [
    'table' => 'todos',
    'length' => 6,
    'prefix' => date('y')

// now use it
$id = IdGenerator::generate($config);

// use within single line code
$id = IdGenerator::generate(['table' => 'todos', 'length' => 6, 'prefix' => date('y')]);

// output: 160001


Example 02: INV-000001 for prefix string. Your field must be varchar.

$id = IdGenerator::generate(['table' => 'invoices', 'length' => 10, 'prefix' =>'INV-']);
//output: INV-000001


Example 03: YYMM000001

$id = IdGenerator::generate(['table' => 'invoices', 'length' => 10, 'prefix' =>date('ym')]);
//output: 1910000001


Example 04: By default, this package works on the ID field. You can set another field to generate an ID. Make sure your selected field must be unique and also proper data type.

$id = IdGenerator::generate(['table' => 'products','field'=>'pid', 'length' => 6, 'prefix' =>date('P')]);
//output: P00001


Example 05: By default, this package won't reset your ID when you change your prefix of ID. If you want to reset your ID from 1 on every prefix changes then pass reset_on_prefix_change => true

Reset ID yearly

$id = IdGenerator::generate(['table' => 'invoices', 'length' => 10, 'prefix' =>date('y')]);
//output: 2000000001,2000000002,2000000003
//output: 2100000001,2100000002,2100000003

Reset ID monthly

$id = IdGenerator::generate(['table' => 'invoices', 'length' => 10, 'prefix' =>date('ym')]);
//output: 1912000001,1912000002,1912000003
//output: 2001000001,2001000002,2001000003

Or any prefix change

$id = IdGenerator::generate(['table' => 'products', 'length' => 6, 'prefix' => $prefix]);
//output: A00001,A00002,B00001,B00002


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